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A Gala Affair

by Gary Megaffin

The Waterloo Regional Children’s Safety Village celebrated its Silver 25th Anniversary September 14, with the Kitchener Knights of Columbus and many of the community’s high-profile leaders enjoying a Gala Dinner at the St. George Banquet Hall in Waterloo. Built on a dream that police could educate up to 10,000 children a year on how to be safe, today 25 years later, the village serves 22,000 elementary students a year. The Village’s message started with bike and road safety and in 1996 fire safety was introduced. The fire protection education includes practicing home safety plans, stressing the importance of working smoke alarms, learning about kitchen hazards and participating in a mock 911 call.

The Kitchener Knights of Columbus was well represented with GK Dave Obermeyer, Lady Knight Birgit, DGK Mike Szabo and Lady Knight Anna attending this who’s who social affair. Proving to benefit Council 1504, it was an evening of networking with many of the area’s community partners while creating new relationships, which will help highlight our future K of C initiatives.

181 Kitchener K of C at the Gala

Representing Council 1504 at the Waterloo Regional Children’s Safety Village 25th Anniversary celebrations were GK Dave Obermeyer, Lady Knight Birgit, DGK Mike Szabo and Lady Knight Anna. The Gala event was held September 14 at the St. George Banquet Hall in Waterloo to highlight the work done to educate thousands of elementary school children in both bike and home safety.

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