The Stations of the Cross are a prayerful, powerful way to focus on Jesus’ Passion. For many centuries, the Via Crucis, or Way of the Cross, has been one of the most beloved Christian devotions, especially during Lent.
Also known as Station of the Cross, the practice developed over several centuries to eventually include the 14 traditional stations depicting episodes of Jesus’ passion and death. It has been a tradition the Kitchener Knights of Columbus sponsor reading of The Stations of the Cross at St. Francis Church.
Members of the K of C 4th Degree Honour Guard will assist Owen Hennessey and Gary Megaffin who will lead in praying the Stations of the Cross on Friday March 28 at St. Francis Church during Lent.

As we pray at each station, we reflect on the story of Jesus' way of the cross, as it is also a story about us. We pray for the grace to see how carrying our cross is a reality today. The words of Pope Francis want us to recognize those who are being crucified in our society today by hate, prejudice, poverty and disease and to leave determined to work for the peace and justice of the Reign of God.