Aug 27, 2021Charities Lottery50/50 Online RaffleTo buy, click here: Kitchener 1504 Rules of Play for 50/50 Electronic Raffle 1. The lottery will take place online in a series of...
Aug 27, 2016Charities LotteryThe 2016 K of C Golf Tournament Boosts The Children’s Wish FoundationBeaming sunshine greeted 68 golfers competing in the annual Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament at Grand Valley Golf Club Saturday August...
Jul 25, 2016Charities LotteryCharities Lottery Draw 2016 Winning NumbersThe 2016 Ontario State Knights of Columbus Charities Draw took place on July 14th. For a complete listing of all 500 prizes won and...
Jan 29, 2016Charities Lottery2016 Charities DrawCharities Lottery The 2016 Charities Draw poster says it all. 500 prizes to be won! Draw date is July 14th 2016. Tickets are available...
Jul 20, 2015Charities LotteryOntario Lottery Draw Winning NumbersThe 2015 Ontario State Knights of Columbus Charities Draw took place on July 16th. Here is the list of items won from tickets sold by...