by Gary Megaffin

The future holds many challenges for Council 1504 as the members assume their new Executive positions. The Kitchener Knights of Columbus, as well as other organizations, are facing countless restrictions during these demanding times. Many K of C events normally held throughout the fraternal year have been cancelled with their resumption date unknown.
At the conclusion of the 7:00 pm Mass at blessed Sacrament Church on Saturday September 26, the 2020/2021 Executive for Council 1504 was sworn in to assume their new positions. The new administration includes Chaplain Fr. Larry Parent, Grand Knight Mike Szabo, Deputy Grand Knight Hank Helmond, Advocate Paul O’Brien, Warden Michael Olinski, Treasurer Michael Grondin, Recorder Jonathan Molloy, Inside Guard Chris Detzler, Inside Guard Dave Hudder, Trustee Wayne Keffer, Trustee Michael Detzler.
Attending as guest official District Deputy Doug Behl. Absent was Past Grand Knight Dave Obermeyer, Financial Secretary Michael Wilhelm and Trustee Wayne Curry. Until current restrictions are a thing of the past, the new Executive will be confronted with challenges to ensure the continued success of Council 1504.