by Gary Megaffin
St. Anthony Daniel Parish was the scene of the Annual Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass on Sunday, November 10. The K of C tradition honours our Brother Knights from Council 1504 who have passed away this past year. The families from five deceased Knights were recognized and were presented with a Memorial Plaque blessed by Father Tim Theriault and presented by Grand Knight Mike Szabo. Assisting at the Mass serving as the Honour Guard were 4th Degree members Sir Knights Whit Husk, Frank Troupe and Ray Denomme. Following the ceremony, 50 guests enjoyed a delightful reception prepared by Brothers Paul O’Brien and Terry Molloy.

The 2019 K of C Memorial Mass plaques presented to family members of our deceased Brother Knights.

The blessing of the Memorial Mass plaques by Father Tim Theriault of St. Anthony Daniel Parish.

Donna Baur accepting the Brother Harold Baur plaque from Grand Knight Mike Szabo and Sir Knight Frank Troupe.

The family of Brother Edward Forwell accepting the Memorial Mass plaque from Grand Knight Mike Szabo and Sir Knight Ray Denomme.

Charleen Berkers accepting the K of C Memorial Mass plaque from Grand Knight Mike Szabo and Sir Knight Whit Husk on behalf of her father Brother Charles McEvoy.

The family of Brother Edward Piwowarek accepting the K of C Memorial Mass plaque from Grand Knight Mike Szabo and Sir Knight Frank Troupe.

Following the presentation ceremony, family members and friends enjoyed a delicious buffet prepared by Brothers Paul O’Brien and Terry Molloy.
